Terms & Conditions

Adventure Altitude Treks & Expedition is a government-registered and trustworthy travel agency (company registration Number 220076/076/077) situated in Thamel, Kathmandu. Since the establishment of this company on July 31, 2019, we are always dedicated to serving clients in the best possible way. We value our client's time, money, and the excitement they have for trekking in Nepal, so we will be serving with 100% client satisfaction.

Please go through our Terms and Condition before booking any trip with us.

The Booking Policy

A representative from Adventure Altitude Treks and Expedition will verify the booking that you've done through any platform including Our Website, Trip Advisor, or any other booking platform. Once you pay for your booking, your trip is now confirmed, and we will be in touch for the preparation of the trip. Your name should exactly match your passport otherwise it will be trouble. 

If you've booked a trip for your friends/family, you will be responsible for any kind of activity that will be needed for us. You need to notify us before making any changes to the trip that you booked already.

Book a Trip

A trip is simply a combination of day-by-day activities in the form of an itinerary or activities like Trekking, Tour, Expedition, and Adventure Activities.

A contract paper will be made between clients and the company after the company representative confirms your booking through email or any other form of receipt.

Please confirm the trip price before booking any trip.

Adventure Altitude Treks and Expedition has the right to increase/decrease the price of any trip before bookings are confirmed

Trip Booking Deposit

Deposit Payment

A non-refundable 20% deposit is necessary for booking any kind of trip from this company. You should book the trip at least 15 days prior to the date of the trip to start.

Final Deposit

You can send the amount at the time of booking the trip, or you can pay us when you arrive in Kathmandu i.e. just before the trip starts.

Payment system

We accept all kinds of payment in Adventure Altitude Treks & Expedition. Payment through a Visa card, Bank deposit, or cash payment option is available in our company. 

Canceling the Trip by the client

The deposited 20% amount of the total cost of the trip will not be refunded in any cases until and unless there is an emergency medical condition like a medical problem. Even if you don't use any program that was included in the booking, 20% of the total trip cost is non-refundable. So we recommend our clients to postpone their trip instead of canceling. The non-refundable 20% amount will be safe with us if you postpone your trip to a later date.

Canceling the Trip by Company

The company has the right to cancel any trip if there is any kind of Natural Disaster in the place where travelers are going. 

Medical Condition

You need to be physically, & mentally fit for any kind of trekking, tour, and other activities in Nepal at the time of confirming the trip.

Travel Insurance

The company won't be responsible for any kind of medical problem you will face during your time in Nepal. You need to do travel insurance from a trustworthy insurance company for any kind of medical emergency that may arise during the trip.

Flight Delay/ Itinerary change

Please understand that the weather in the Himalayan range is not always the same as you think. The temperature keeps fluctuating in the Himalayan area of Nepal so that the domestic flight may be delayed which leads to changes in our itinerary. The company provides alternative arrangements for your accommodation and food if the flight time changes or is pushed away due to any weather problem at the airport. The company will also arrange accommodation for any kind of itinerary changes due to weather problems. We won't be responsible for any kind of itinerary changes by the clients.

Trip Amendment

If the booking amendment is received by Adventure Altitude Treks and Expedition before 30 days of your original departure $100 per person will be charged. The charge may be higher depending upon the other arrangement by the company to hotels, Tea houses, Vehicle operators, and airlines. 

Passport and Visa

You need to have a valid Passport and Visa when traveling in Nepal with Adventure Altitude Treks and Expedition. Please make sure that you have 6 months for your passport to expire

Injury and Evaluation

Adventure Altitude Treks and Expedition will not be liable for any kind of injury, health, and Altitude Sickness during your trip to Nepal 

Service Missed/Unused

There won't be any discount offer for any kind of missed or unused service during your trip to Nepal. For any kind of service that was included in the booking and later on you don't want to go for that, The money won't be refunded for any kind of cancellation of the service

Terms and Condition Update

Adventure Altitude Treks & Expedition stands as a reputable and government-registered travel agency (Company Registration Number 220076/076/077), nestled in the heart of Thamel, Kathmandu. Our journey commenced on July 31, 2019, and since inception, our unwavering commitment has been to provide unparalleled service to our esteemed clients. Recognizing the significance of our clients' time, financial investment, and fervor for trekking in Nepal, we pledge an unwavering dedication to ensure 100% client satisfaction. Your aspirations are our priority, and we are resolutely poised to exceed your expectations.