Manaslu Circuit Trek

High Adventure Trip
  • Duration 15 Days
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Max. Altitude 5300m
  • Trip Start Kathmandu
  • Trip End Kathmandu
  • Trip Area Manaslu Region
  • Nature of Trip Group Joing & private
  • Major Activities Trekking & Adventure
  • Best Season Spring and Autumns

Manaslu Circuit Trek Main Highlights

  • Challenging Larkya Pass at 5160 meters for stunning views.
  • Biodiverse Manaslu Conservation Area with its rich flora and fauna.
  • Unique culture of the Nuri tribe on the Nepal-Tibet border.
  • Breathtaking views of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu mountains.
  • Scenic Budhi Gandaki River and beautiful landscapes.
  • Influence of Tibetan culture in the border settlements.
  • Diverse flora, fauna, and wildlife in the Manaslu region.
  • Scenic mountain drive from Kathmandu to Machikhola and Besisahar.
  • Unspoiled nature and stunning Himalayan landscapes.
  • Highest peaks like Manaslu, Himlung, and Annapurna II.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Overview

The Manaslu Circuit trek is one of the most preferred treks in Nepal. The trail passes through the Manaslu Conservation Area, offering an enchanting picture of the world's eighth-highest peak. Manaslu is one of the most exuberant among the 8000-metre-high peaks, bordered by the Annapurnaon the west and Ganesh Himal towards the east.

Unlike a normal expedition like the Everest base camp trek, which is always crowded with thousands of walkers worldwide, the Manaslu trek has fewer people. Remote, though it may be arduous, but enriched with culture and scenery enhancing.

This Manaslu Circuit trek starts with a drive from Kathmandu via Arughat to Soti Khola and, finally, Maccha Khola. Getting into the trekking zone is a whole-day trip. Starts from Maccha Khola to the forests of Jagat, passing via steep ridges, terraced fields, and suspension bridges. Afterwards, You hike from Jagat to Deng (1860m). Deng is a charming village in that region with breathtaking snow-covered mountain peaks and unique scenery.

Namrung is another scenic settlement that we shall visit after leaving Deng. There are several monasteries and chortens in the vicinity of Namrung, a well-known cultural site. Afterward, you hike to Lho Gham set (3180m) –another delightful village in that neighborhood.

Then, we shall trek to Samagaun (3500m). This will be the first acclimation process before moving forward along the trail. This trail further takes us to Samdo and Dharmasala at 4,480m. We shall cross Larkya la pass (5213m) from Dharamsala; after that, we shall descend to Bimthang (3720 m). Upon getting to Larkya La pass, you can observe Himlung, Kang Garu, Cheo Himal, Gyaji Kung, and Mt. Annapurna II (7,937m).

The hike continues along the Budhi Gandaki River and ends in Dharapani village. We end our trek in a lovely village called Dharapani, where you can take it easy till you are ready for your next journey. You then ride to Kathmandu from Dharapani to Besisahar through a beautiful landscape of green hills, flowing streams, and waterfalls. Therefore, when you reach Kathmandu, you can enjoy a relaxed environment and celebrate the successful end of your journey. 

The Manaslu Circuit Trek in Nepal is often regarded as one of the most scenic and challenging treks. The Manaslu circuit is a relatively new trekking route opened only in 1991. The highest point of the Manaslu circuit hike is Larka la Pass (5106 m). Adventure Altitude Treks offers this magnificent trek at an affordable price. Here is more to the package below.

Why To Choose Manaslu Circuit Over Other Treks?  

Manaslu Circuit Trek in Nepal is a remote and genuine trek in the Himalayas. In the same way, Manaslu differs from the popular treks to Everest and Annapurna since it provides access to villagers whose lives revolve around agriculture and livestock rearing. Due to the limited access rules, this trek is less touristy and commercialized, allowing less disruption of peoples' daily living patterns and providing peacefulness.

It's an amazing walk, which passes through clean nature along the Gandaki River, through a tropical forest into the arctic zone of Manaslu Base Camp, and the top of Larkya La.

Waterfall glaciers are common landscape features in an undisturbed site with suspension bridges across deep gorges. The trail covers most areas in the Manaslu Conservation Area, thus protecting the beautiful landscape

The landscape and culture are diverse, from the green Budi Gandaki valley to the white-coated slopes of Larkya La. Along the way, these villages show authenticity in preserving the traditional Buddhist culture and lifestyle. It has become a refuge for many people searching for an uncrowded and pure Tibetan experience in this modernized Tibet.

Trekking in the Manaslu regionis allowed, but one must hire a guide for safety because it's restricted. Having a guide around makes the journey safer since they know what the area is like and are familiar with the path, preventing navigation problems. Trekkers, on the other hand, must be mindful of high-altitude dangers.

Besides, this hike provides an opportunity to see Mount Manaslu – the world's eighth-highest mountain up close- and delight in the locals' worship of "the Spirit Mountain." Finally, you will challenge yourself with a different ascend to the Larkya la pass, the trek's highest point. 

The unique detour and trip extensions, such as visits to Tsum Valley and Manaslu Base Camp, further improve the experience. Manaslu region has a variety of fauna in Manaslu Conservation Area, including a rare snow leopard and flora. The Manaslu Circuit has a different advantage; one does not require any risky mountain flight as there is road connectivity to the trailhead. 

How difficult is Manaslu Trek? 

The Manaslu circuit trek is moderately difficult and has many ascends and descents. The track comprises many switchbacks and river crossings, hence making the trip tiring. 

In some cases, the trail passes through landside areas that are dangerous. Nevertheless, it does not involve any technical climbing. One can easily walk along old tracks that are well-established

Larkya La Pass, which has a height of 5106 meters, is considered the highest point in Manaslu Circuit Trek. Crossing the pass can also be very difficult, where walking on snow and ice requires climbing and descending along slippery and steep slopes. 

Crossing Larkya La pass is an 8-9 hour trek from Dharamshala. Similarly, Crossing the pass is challenging because it is powdered with snow and glaciers. You must begin your trudge before the first rays of a new day. Therefore, it is good to start earlier because the weather may deteriorate by mid-day.

The ascent passes through scree slopes and patches of ice before reaching the pass. The trek becomes harder due to its cold and low oxygen level. Also, the way down to Bimthang is no less difficult. This daunting journey through Larkya La is rewarded with awe-inspiring mountain scenery.

Though not much altitude gain, the circuit is strenuous because of the winding and narrow trails through uninhabited areas. Reaching other inhabited villages along the trail is a longer hike as they are spaced apart. 

Some say that compared to the other famous treks, the tea houses of the Manalsa circuit are a bit basic and rustic.

The Manaslu Circuit trek has less developed teahouses than those of other famous trekking trails. Some of the lodges are outdated and not highly facilitated. This trek might be difficult if you expect some luxury along the trail. On the other hand, as more travelers have visited the Manaslu Region in recent years, the locals have upgraded their teahouses.

How Will A Typical Day On Trek Look Like?  

The day starts early, at around 6 in the morning. You can then visit a teahouse and refresh before heading to the dining area for breakfast at about seven o'clock. 

Afterward, you can pack your luggage with snacks and water bottles for the trail. Along the trail, you will see splendid views of snow-capped mountains. 

You will find many stops along the path where you can pause to admire the scenery or capture photos of the beautiful landscape. Moreover, you will also spend your lunch in a local teahouse during this time.

We will be taking a rest of about an hour and continuing with our trek. You can rest at the local teahouse after arrival at your destination. Your arrival is expected at 5 PM, and then you are allowed to take some light refreshments.

The dining common hall also has a wood-burning stove where you may gather and sit next to it to warm yourself and interact with fellow trekkers. Trekkers will walk for about 5 to 6 hours each day. This involves traversing the highest mountain passes and rough terrains of the area.

As you take this great trekking journey, keep hydrating and allow your body to acclimate to these conditions very well. 

Dinner is served at around 7 PM, where you can also play cards and interact with other trekkers. You may then discuss your trekking adventure with your guide the following morning, involving the routes to be taken, their difficulties, and other issues after having dinner.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Cost 

With Adventure Altitude Treks, this trek standard package is approximately USD 1400 per person. With this cost, trekkers can do the whole Himalayas experience that takes them from the lower altitude of Besisahar and Machha Khola up to Larke Pass, which is 5106 meters above sea level.

One of the key things known is that the Manaslu circular trip cost highly depends on the group size, timing during the year, and overall itinerary within the package. For instance, the hiking charges during spring and autumn will be expensive compared to the off-season prices. 

Nevertheless, trekking during the off-peak seasons will be riskier and more challenging than during the spring and autumn seasons. We offer last-minute bookingoptions and group prices, which are as follows. 


Cost Per Person

Bookings Available

1 - 2


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2 - 7


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7 - 15


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Having paid for the whole package cost, you do not have to worry about accommodation, transport, logistics, and food while on the trek.  

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  • Accommodation3*
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Altitude/Time1,400 m

Upon your arrival at Kathmandu international airport, one of our representatives will greet you and will transfer you to the hotel. In the free time, you can take a good rest and get refreshed from the jet lag. Overnight at the hotel. 

  • Accommodation3*
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Altitude/Time1,400 m

On our second day, we will start preparing for your trek. One of Our representative will remind you to get all the permits necessary for this trek. You will be reminded to check your trek  insurance policy and provide us a copy of it. You will  meet your Team leader and other support professionals who will check your trekking gears to make sure they meet the requirements. After a brief introduction with the crew, one of our tour operator will take you to a city tour. You will be visiting 4 heritage sites, that hold historical, religious and cultural significances like Boudhanath Stupa, Pashupatinath Temple, Swoyambhu and Patan Durbar Square.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time869 m

On this exciting leg of the journey, we depart from Kathmandu and make our way to the charming town of Machha Khola, marking the beginning of our trek. 

Exiting the Kathmandu valley, our route leads us towards Dhading Besi, with occasional challenges due to ongoing construction. Heading northwest, we pass through the picturesque village of Arughat, situated on the opposite bank of the Budhi Gandaki River.

The partially graveled road winds through Gurung and Magar villages, offering glimpses of the majestic Shringi Himal. En route to Soti Khola and Machha Khola, the scenic beauty is truly enchanting. 

Tonight, we find respite in the cozy atmosphere of a Machha Khola teahouse, marking the end of a day filled with adventure and diverse landscapes. Our night rests at a guesthouse in Machha Khola, promising a comfortable stop amid the Himalayan terrain.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time1,340 m

Leaving Machha khola behind, today you will walk upstream towards Khola Bensi which offers you an admirable view of Ganesh Himal. Enjoy a bath in the hot spring there, and then move along the steep valley sides. You can see an amazing waterfall at Yaru Phat along the way. The trek goes through a forest path resting for a cup of tea at Dovan and then walks to Lauri, where we switch back to the right side of the river through a suspension bridge. A little climb and the sight of Jagat’s field will welcome you for an overnight camp. An amazing view of Sringi Himal can be seen from Jagat. Overnight at Jagat.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time1,860 m

We will continue our trail towards Deng from Jagat after having breakfast. It will take 7 hours approximately to reach Deng. From Jagat, our trail will descends for some time and starts ascending towards Saguleri, a terraced hillside settlement. We will stop at Saguleri for a brief moment to catch exotic view of Sringi Himal. The trail from Saguleri to Deng needs crossing several suspension bridge that add fun to the adventure. A final ascend after crossing the bridge will lead you to Deng where we will stay overnight.


  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time2,630 m

The trail from Deng to Ghap combines uphill, downhill and the easy trekking path. From Deng you will first get to Ghap, then you will trek through the dense pine and rhododendron forest to get Namrung for the overnight. Namrung is a small Gurung village that offers the stunning views of Siring Himal and Ganesh Himal. Namala. Gompa is another attraction of Namrung. Furthermore, you will encounter many Mani wheels, prayer flags and stones engraved with Buddhist prayers indicating a Tibetian settlement.  Overnight at Namrung.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time3,180 m

The trail from Namrung to Lho is an easy trekking route. The wonderful view of Manaslu mountain greets us all the way. At Lamagaon, you can collect the magnificent views of Himchuli. Little ahead, Sho welcomes with wonderful views of the North face of Manaslu and Naike Peak. From Lho you can catch the panoramic view of Manaslu Massif. Rimung Monastery and the Mani walls are other attractions of Lho. Overnight at Lho.  

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time3,520 m

Walkthrough the Mani walls then pass a big Chortens before Shyala then you will continue your trek towards Samagaon. Manaslu will accompany you all the way to Samagaon. Samagaon is a wonderful Gurung village with Tibetan traditions and culture plus the views of Manaslu, Larke peak and Naike Peak are absolutely fantastic. Overnight at a teahouse.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time3,520 m

An extra day in Samagoan is always worthwhile. Today you can either hike up to Manaslu Base Camp(4400m.) or visit the wonderful Birendra Tal. In your free time, you can just relax. Overnight at the teahouse.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time3,875 m

From Samagaon, you will take steep uphill trail first to Kyonggma Kharka where you can see the stone huts plus long Mani walls. Samdo will welcome you with stunning views of Naike and Pangboche's peak. You can also explore the Taka Chouling Gompa in Samdo. Overnight at Samdo.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time4,460 m

The trail from Samdo first ascends to Larkya Bazar which is a fair seasonal Tibetan market. Further, you will trek to Larkya Phedi. You can enjoy the superb views of Larkya Peak and Naike Peak from Dharmasala. Overnight at Dharmashala.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/TimeLarkya pass- 5,160 m , Bhimthang- 3,590 m

One of the tough trekking days where you will first walk through the Moraine route to the pass. You can see the Larkya Glacier along the way. During the pass, you can enjoy the magnificent views of Kangguru, Annapurna II, Himlung Cheo Himal, Gyaji Kang, Larkya Peak, Namjung Himal plus Ranta Chuli. After Larkala  La pass the trail is steep descent plus grassy moraine. As it is a rockfall area walk carefully. Upon your arrival in Bimthang, you can take a good rest with stunning views of Lamjung, Manaslu, Phungi south face, Himlung plus Cheo Himal. Overnight hotel.

  • AccommodationLocal teahouse
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time1,860 m

First, descend down to Hampuk, a rock shelter cave then to Yak Kharka. Further, you will be trekking through Gho-a Gurung village. Further more you will trek to Tilije for the overnight. Overnight. 

  • AccommodationLocal lodge
  • MealsB/L/D
  • Altitude/Time1,400 m

The Manaslu Valley Trek Trek comes to an end here. Currently, you will be preparing another Jeep transfer into Kathmandu. This will be a rough but fast trip, from 7 to eight hours. You will also be given the window view as you move ahead. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, you shall retire at your hotel. 

  • Accommodation-
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Altitude/Time-

You will be transferred to Kathmandu airport to catch your returning flight back home. Trip Ends. 

Not satisfied with this regular itinerary?

Are you interested on planning custom trip? Feel free to contact us.

Map & Altitude Graph
Manaslu Circuit Trek map
Cost Details
What's Included
  • Airport pickups and drops in a private vehicle
  • 3-star hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with breakfast on twin sharing basis 
  • Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing 
  • Teahouse accommodation during trekking
  • Three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek
  • Welcome and farewell dinners
  • Transportation (Kathmandu-Sotikhola, Dharapani-Besisahar-Kathmandu)
  • Entrance fees for sightseeing/monument visits as per the itinerary
  • An experienced, English-speaking, and government-licensed trek guide and their all expenses
  • Porter (1 porter for 2 trekkers) and his/her all expenses
  • Down jacket and sleeping bag (to be returned after the trek)
  • Necessary paperwork and trekking permits (National Park Permit, TIMS)
  • Medical kit
  • 5% of the profit goes to children's orphanages.
What's Excluded
  • International airfare
  • Nepalese visa fee 
  • Travel and rescue insurance
  • Excess baggage charge(s)
  • Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu 
  • Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu 
  • Personal expenses (phone calls, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra porters, Wi-Fi charge, bottle or boiled water, shower, etc.)
  • Tipping
Dates & Price
limited Seats Available
StartTuesdaySep 17, 2024
EndTuesdayOct 01, 2024
FromUS $1305
limited Seats Available
StartSaturdaySep 21, 2024
EndSaturdayOct 05, 2024
FromUS $1305
limited Seats Available
StartTuesdaySep 24, 2024
EndTuesdayOct 08, 2024
FromUS $1305
Useful Info

Accommodations During The Trek 

Manaslu Circuit, an alternative to the more popular Annapurna Circuit, is undoubtedly one of the best teahouse treks in Nepal. The truth is, many trekkers prefer staying in a teahouse since it's simple. On the other hand, if you feel like going on a camping trek, that will also be possible.

The teahouse serves as a convenient place during the trekking. Several teahouses in Soti Khola, Maccha Khola, and Jagat offer basic facilities, wifi, and phones for communication in certain valley areas. As one moves towards Deng, the area is guarded by a checkpost that signifies the controlled zone where tea shops like Windy Valley Guest House and Sangrila Cottage offer wifi services but no hot water. 

Teahouses in Namrung include Namrung Thakali Guest House and Nubri Four Season Resort, which have hot showers and wifi. There are only three guesthouses with internet access in Samdo, about four hours away from Sama Gaun.

Only two guest houses are available in Dharamsala: Jambala Guest House and Larkey Guest House. These give a glimpse of remote Himalayan life without internet and hot water. 

The Poncher cottages or Himalayan guest houses have hot showers and wifi available upon arrival in Bimthang. Lastly, in Dharapani, the last place before one returns to Kathmandu, many Tea houses can be afforded by low-budget travelers with attached toilets, hot water, and easy wifi access. 

There is an additional form of lodging that is called camping. If you plan to camp around the Manaslu Circuit, you must forego many other things, including carrying your sleeping bags, sleeping pads, tents, food, and water.

Three-Time Meals During The Trek 

Your body needs adequate food and nutrients as you undertake this enchanting hike close to Mount Manaslu, the 8th tallest mountain in the world. There will be sufficient delicious, healthy, and nutritious food, but not all of what you can choose to eat in big cities.

Three meals a day are included in your trekking package with us. 

There are many choices during your first few days at lower altitudes. Nevertheless, the food gets expensive the further you enter the highlands as getting there becomes difficult and fewer dishes are served.

You can try out different cuisines in many hotels and restaurants across Kathmandu. 'Dal bhat' is the Typical Nepali menu comprising lentil soup, rice, and curd that you will find at the tea houses as you go hiking. 

During the journey, you will also see high-cost and more original dishes such as Tibetan bread, Buckwheat bread dumplings, and other authentic drinks. Avoid eating meat products if you can, as there is no means of preserving these items under refrigeration and storage in that part of the country.

Additionally, you should pack some snacks apart from the Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner available in the Tea Houses. Buy it from shops in a low-altitude area because of its diversity, low prices, and availability.

Transportation to the Manaslu Circuit  Trailhead

Transportation services are included in the Manaslu circuit trek package with us. You will cover a distance of 99 miles, starting from Kathmandu to Maccha Khola via SotiKhola to start your Trek. It takes about 7 hours by private jeep or approximately 8 to 9 hours on a public bus. An extreme adventure awaits you on day one.

After completing the Trek, you will take a 6- 10 hour trip from Dahranpani to Kathmandu via Besisahar on a shared jeep. 

We ensure you have a smooth beginning while traveling at Adventure Altitude Treks. A guide at your hotel shall meet you and lead you by a taxi that takes just 15 minutes to the bus station. We shall meet a day before your Trek and confirm the exact departure time, usually around 7 to 8 in the morning.

However, if you opt for private transportation, it will be sent directly to your hotel of choice. That is where the guide will start accompanying you.

We recommend departing at 8 to bypass traffic in Kathmandu. You can also take breaks en route for lunch and snacks. 

Best Time for Manaslu Circuit Trek 

Trekking in Manaslu is best from March to May and September to December. The pleasant weather and clear mountain views during the Trek make it enjoyable. The lodges are closed due to heavy snowfall experienced during winter between December and February, making Larkya La pass impossible to cross. 

June, July, and August are rainy seasons with many landslides, slips, and other calamities. Therefore, we do not advise anyone to trek during winter and rainy seasons.

Manaslu trek for the Spring Season (March to May)

Trekking in Manaslu Circuit during this time of the year is very ideal. The weather is awesome, and you can also admire Mt. Manaslu and neighboring glaciers.

The temperatures start rising in mid-March, and the crystal-clear sky makes a picture of snow-covered mountains beautiful. As for April and May, the lowlands begin to get hot. In the high mountains, it is neither too cold nor too hot. Nighttime is comparatively colder. 

This is the high season for many trekkers. You will see the rhododendrons in various hues while along your way. During the afternoon, temperatures as high as 18°C are experienced in the upper mountains, such as Lho, Samagaun, Samdo, and Dharamshala up to Bhimtang, with evening dipping down to a low of-4°C.

Manaslu Circuit Trek in the Autumn season (October to November)

This is another excellent season for Manaslu trekking in Nepal, attracting thousands of trekkers. A perfect trekking climate comes as the monsoon gradually goes out. 

At this time of this season, however, skies are blue, and there are stunning glimpses of mountains. At this time, many trekkers trek to participate in the festive atmosphere. However, it is also a time for two large Nepali festivals, namely Tihar and Dashain.

These sparkling days and clear skies define November as a time of the bustle. It allows one to enjoy the natural landscape the whole day with a small variation of the daytime temperature, which is very stable. Starting from December, there is a little cold in the atmosphere, and snow makes walking almost impossible.

During the day, it is up to 20°C, while at night, it is- 6 °C.

Altitude Sickness Consideration 

Manaslu trek involves hiking to an unpopular area with a height of over 5000 meters. It is relatively isolated and less populated, which may pose some safety concerns compared to trekking on the Annapurna and Everest regions.

There are several stone-ridden areas along the trekking trail. Nevertheless, trekkers cannot travel independently since it is a restricted zone.

Safety and security are important; hence, you should ensure you take along a licensed guide for the Trek. A guide is important because it ensures you stay aware of the situation and helps with emergencies. As long as you stick to the laid rules and design, it's not an entirely dangerous journey.

Altitude sickness becomes common when the elevation above 3,000m/9,842ft. Decreased atmospheric pressure and oxygen levels make adjusting difficult for your body as altitude increases. There are three kinds of altitude sickness, which have become a widespread disease, and the most frequent one is called "Acute mountain sickness" (AMS).

There will, on average, be around a 300 to 500-metre daily elevation gain. Minimum altitude takes place in the initial and final leg of the trail. Nevertheless, the peak height of 5165m in the middle of trekking for 13 days may lead to acute mountain sickness. These include mild symptoms like headache, tiredness, and sleeplessness, and strong ones include dizziness, vomiting, fast heartbeating, and fainting.

Avoid AMS while undertaking your Trek using the following steps:

  • Stick to the itinerary.
  • Take an acclimatization/rest day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Take small walking paces as one goes up the mountain.

In addition, you may take Diamox (or other such medicine) prophylactically by consulting your doctor for the same purpose. However, if any of these still occur while hiking/trekking, speak to your group leader, a fellow climber, or an innkeeper nearby because they may also assist.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Preparation

The Manaslu Circuit trek is a moderately difficult high-elevation trek. Here are some preparations you can make before you hike:

Hiking and walking

During your daily trek walks, you should cover a distance of between five and six hours every time. Take 3 to 4 breaks of about five to six hours daily during your Trek.

Therefore, you must take daily walks of at least 2 hours. It is good to hike up to the mountains to familiarise yourself with the mountain trails up and downhill. This experience includes mountain hiking, which is similar to a walking trek.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Running, cycling or swimming make the body flexible more effectively than any other cardiovascular exercise can do. The body should be physically fit and not strain or tire easily while climbing uphill and through tricky paths during the Trek.


Manasalu Circuit Trek is an intermediate-level trek. The Trek covers the highest elevation, Larkya la Pass (5106m). Therefore, you must rest on a lower ground level to enable the body to get accustomed to varying altitudes. One has to acclimatize to avoid getting altitude sickness. We have included one acclimatization day at Sama Gaun. You can take a short acclimatization hike to Manaslu Base Camp during this acclimation day. 

Remain Hydrated With Enough Water

.It is imperative to ensure the body does not dehydrate by drinking water regularly. You will not get enough sleep if you do not take enough water, resulting in you feeling active and not having a headache or altitude sickness. Good water helps in digesting food as well as keeps a person active. Drink plenty of water and have a full bottle of water with you.

Mental preparation

The mental preparation for taking a long path involving up and down hikes is essential.

Travel Insurance Covering at Least 6000 m altitude

Most of Manaslu's circuit treks occur in far-from places and at huge heights. Manaslu trekking is prone to risks associated with any other Himalayan trek. He or she may suffer from altitude sickness. Consequently, this necessitates appropriate insurance for such treks.

The insurance should also cover helicopter operation up to the elevation (5318 ft.). Trek areas have no good roads or health facilities; hence, heli rescue becomes necessary. We will do a heli-rescue for you in an emergency based on the insurance policy and other documents you forwarded.

Before purchasing your insurance coverage, call the insurance company to confirm if they provide heli-rescue coverage for the highest peak on the Trek. 

It is important not to believe everything an insurance company portrays online. If you encounter challenges in selecting a suitable insurance company, we will advise you on which company to select, taking clues from our previous clients' experiences.

Guides and Porters For Manaslu Circuit Trek 

Solo trekking is banned in Nepal. This means hiring a guide for any treks, Including the Manaslu Circuit trek, is necessary. Also, Without a guide, you will not get trekking permits.

A guide refers to an experienced and licensed guide. The government's books should recognize them as guided and officially trained. That becomes even better if it is in the Manaslu region.

The Government of Nepal has classified the Manaslu region as a restricted zone. The government opted to do so to help guard and conserve the natural richness of the uncorrupted Manaslu area. Therefore, unescorted foreign travelers can't move around the area freely. A licensed guide must accompany at least two hikers. Therefore, one has no choice but to hire a trek guide to Manaslu.

This is not mandatory, but it depends on whether you pick a porter for Manaslu Circuit Trek. You meet this porter or this man carrying your loads and backpack on a trek. You can get a porter if your bag or loads cannot be carried while walking.

Otherwise, you can walk with your guide while carrying your packing. A porter is unlike a guide; it is not needed for the Trek up until you call for it. Hiring a porter is entirely your call if you will be on Manaslu Circuit Trek.

Packing List for The Trek 

Trekking involves going from 710 m to about 5210 m altitude. Temperature, pressure, and oxygen levels will vary as the height rises. Moreover, you will certainly require vital trekking gear and equipment during your trip. Making the right dress selection and choosing appropriate gear and equipment for climate and weather is also important to minimize additional troubles. 

Your packing must be arranged according to the hot weather of lower altitudes and the cold conditions at high altitudes. You should carry with you the following packing list. This list will keep you safe, make your journey enjoyable, and save money.




Insulated Jacket, Waterproof and Windproof Jacket (breathable), Down Jacket, Thermal Tops, Trekking Shirts, Trekking Trousers or Pants, Hiking Shorts, Lightweight Thermal Trousers, Breathable Underwear, Rain Gears

Head and Hand

Lightweight Gloves (Inner Thermal Gloves and Outer Windproof and Waterproof Gloves), Bandana or Head Scarf, Warm Woolen Hat, Sun Hat, Buff, Balaclava or Neck Band, Headlamp with Extra Batteries and Bulbs, Sunglasses with UV Protection, Prescription Sunglasses (if required)


Hiking Socks, Woolen Socks, Hiking Boots with Spare Laces, Hiking Sandals, Cotton Socks (optional), Gaiters

Toiletries and Personal Hygiene

Quick Drying Towel, Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Soap, Deodorants, Nail Clippers, Face and Body Moisturizer, Sunscreen Cream, Lip Balm, Foot Powder, Female Hygiene Products, Anti-bacterial Hand Wash, Small Mirror, Personal Hygiene, Wet Wipes (Baby Wipes), Tissue/Toilet Roll

Other Extra Equipment

Book for Reading, Trekking Trail Map, Pod, Travel Game for Leisure Activities (Chess, Backgammon, Scrabble, Playing Cards), Binoculars, Plug Adapter, Lightweight Pillow Case

Personal Documents and Items

Valid Passport, Photocopies of Passport, 2 Extra Passport Size Photos, Airline Tickets, Visa Form (Easily Obtained at Kathmandu Airport), Proof of Insurance, Some Cash

Manaslu Circuit Trek Permits 

Manaslu Circuit Trekking takes you to the Conserved area under the MCAP management; therefore, one needs a permit from MCAP. The Trek also passes the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), where a permit from ACAP should also be obtained.

Besides, the Manaslu circuit Trek is also considered a restricted area rek near the Tibetan border. This being said, trekkers also require a restricted area permit for this Trek. 

Following are the necessary Manaslu Circuit Trek Permit per person for Non-Nepalese with its cost information:

  • Manaslu Conservation Area Permit (MCAP)

For foreigners, the permit costs US $30, while those of SAARC only pay around US $10.

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP).

The permit costs Approx. USD 30 for foreigners and USD 10 for SAARC nationals.

  • Manaslu Restricted Area Permit (RAP)

September to November: Initial fee of USD 100 for the first 7 days and USD 15 extra for each subsequent day after that.

December to August: First 7 days$75 and an additional $10 per day after that

The Trek does not require a TIMS card since the trekkers' details, such as identity, route, and more, are included in a RAP permit.

Obtain these permits from the office of the Nepal Tourism Board at Pradarshani Marg, Kathmandu, which is just a short drive from Thamel (20 min). However, you may also book through a guide or a travel agency package, and the permit will be managed for you.

Ensure you carry all the important documents, such as a copy of your passport, passport-sized photos, travel insurance policy number, and details of your daily program and the route to the permit. 

  • The Manaslu Circuit Trek is an extraordinary adventure, leading you through remote and unique trails in Nepal. This captivating journey unveils breathtaking landscapes and demands a moderate level of challenge. To conquer this expedition, adequate preparation and training are essential. The rugged and remote terrain of the Manaslu region requires several long days of walking, making it a rewarding yet demanding experience.

  • Some of the must-visit attractions along the Manaslu Circuit Trek include the vibrant village of Sama Gaun, the sacred Birendra Tal (Lake), the dramatic Larkya La Pass, the mystical monasteries of Lho and Samagaun, and the awe-inspiring views of Mount Manaslu from various vantage points.

  • The best time of the year to embark on the Manaslu Circuit Trek is during the autumn season (September to November) and the spring season (March to May). During these months, the weather is relatively stable, with clear skies and moderate temperatures. The autumn season offers excellent visibility, allowing you to enjoy the stunning mountain vistas and colorful landscapes. In the spring season, the trail is adorned with vibrant rhododendron blooms, adding a touch of beauty to the trekking experience. It's important to note that the Manaslu region experiences harsh winters and monsoon rains, making the trek challenging and less desirable during those times.

  • Yes, there are permit requirements for the Manaslu Circuit Trek. As it is a restricted area trek, trekkers are required to obtain several permits to embark on this journey. The main permits include the Manaslu Restricted Area Permit (RAP) and the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). The Manaslu RAP is essential for accessing the Manaslu region, while the ACAP permit is required as the trail connects with the Annapurna Conservation Area. Additionally, trekkers are also required to be accompanied by a licensed guide throughout the trek. These permit regulations are in place to ensure the safety and preservation of the region's natural and cultural heritage.

  • On average, it takes around 14 to 16 days to complete the trek. The trekking distance is approximately 177 kilometers (110 miles) in total.

  • Yes, there are altitude-related risks associated with the Manaslu Circuit Trek. As you ascend to higher altitudes, the air becomes thinner, resulting in reduced oxygen levels. This can lead to altitude sickness or acute mountain sickness (AMS). Symptoms of AMS may include headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. In severe cases, it can progress to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), which are life-threatening conditions.

  • There are no official age restrictions for the Manaslu Circuit Trek. However, due to the challenging nature of the trek, it is recommended for individuals who are physically fit and have previous trekking experience. The trek involves long hours of walking, steep ascents and descents, and high altitudes, which can be demanding. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking the trek, especially for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or those who are older in age. Assessing one's fitness level and discussing any concerns with a medical professional can help determine if the Manaslu Circuit Trek is suitable for an individual.

  • Reaching the starting point of the Manaslu Circuit Trek typically involves an 8 to 9-hour scenic drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola, with options to hire private vehicles or taxis for a more personalized experience. Alternatively, local buses and shared jeeps are available, although they may be crowded and result in longer travel times. It is crucial to consider road conditions and plan accordingly to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

  • Apart from the Manaslu Circuit Trek, the Manaslu region offers alternative trekking routes that promise unique and unforgettable experiences. The Tsum Valley Trek allows adventurers to delve into a culturally rich and secluded valley, while the Manaslu Base Camp Trek focuses on reaching the base camp of majestic Mount Manaslu. For those seeking to explore the Ganesh Himal region, the Ganesh Himal Trek presents a captivating opportunity. Additionally, trekkers have the option to combine the Manaslu and Annapurna Circuits for a more comprehensive and diverse trekking adventure.

  • Notably, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) extends its conservation efforts to include the Manaslu Circuit Trek. ACAP is dedicated to promoting sustainable tourism practices, preserving biodiversity, and supporting local communities. Emphasizing waste management, tree planting, trail upkeep, and educating trekkers about responsible trekking, the project fosters environmentally-conscious behaviors. Furthermore, the fees collected from trekking permits directly contribute to conservation efforts and infrastructure development in the region.

What Our Clients Say...
  • S
    Shayla FischerColombiaSeptember 11, 2023
    rating star

    My Journey to Manalsu

    While searching for an exhilarating adventure, I chose to do the Manaslu circuit trek with Adventure Altitude Treks, which proved to be exceptional. A well-coordinated team of competent, experienced guides provided a hassle-free trekking experience across this gorgeous Manaslu region. Our itinerary was carefully planned and allowed us to see the different landscapes – from dense forests to high mountain passes – which made our journey an authentic Himalayan adventure. We stayed at the quite comfortable tea houses, and the local foods offered the sweetness we needed. It was an impressive trek to the spectacular Manaslu Base Camp and Larkya La Pass. This journey was the most memorable trek due to Adventure Altitude Treks’ commitment to safety and personalized service. This is a quality package for any tourist looking forward to a remarkable trekking experience.

  • M
    Mitchel MarksGreenlandOctober 22, 2022
    rating star

    Trekking Through Tibetan Villages

    Our Manaslu circuit trek was well planned and executed by Adventure Altitude Treks and far exceeded our expectations. The guides were professional and knowledgeable, making the trip smooth and fun. The meticulously planned itinerary facilitated gradual acclimatization and the opportunity to admire the spectacular scenery of the Manaslu region. Teahouse accommodations were cozy, and the food was filling but substantial. During the trip, it was clear that the team was committed to responsible tourism and sustainable activities, making it a truly green trekking. It is a must for all those looking for a genuine Himalayan expedition.

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